Some find happiness just by thinking about the Oregon Coast.

Can Hypnosis Help Me Choose Happiness?

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Happiness is a Choice!

Do you choose happiness everyday? Most people don’t even think about it. If you are one of those people, learn how you can turn that around with daily exercises, and/or hypnosis to feel good by choosing happiness.

We make choices all the time. Some of them don’t feel like choices, “I HAVE to go to work,” “I MUST make dinner for the family,” “I NEED to do the laundry.” I’m sure you can think of more of these statements, because they are the actions necessary for survival. Are they a choice? Yes, you could choose to not do them, and suffer the consequences. If we only focus on the survival choices, we tend to forget to choose happiness.

What is life without happiness? It can feel like an endless desert without water. When we are under pressure at work, with finances, and family obligations, we can be so focused on getting it all done that we forget to laugh, play, and enjoy life. You can enjoy life and fulfill your commitments.

Happy choices are unique to you.

What are Happy Choices?

Happy choices are unique to each person. Exercise makes me happy. I also choose happiness through hypnosis. You might choose happiness in hypnosis, painting, working in the garden, delivering meals to elderly people, learning something new. You could start with making a list of times you were happy, and think of ways to catch snippets of them during the day. Then, schedule them into your day and make a commitment to yourself to follow through.

Happiness can be as simple as choosing happy thoughts. Memories are a great way to bring up the feeling of happiness. Visualize happiness by bringing in your senses (sub modalities) to your memories: what you heard, how you felt, what it smelled like, what did it taste like to really program the feeling. Use affirmations like “every day in every way, I am better and better and BETTER!” while driving, washing dishes, or on a walk. Post pictures that make you smile or sayings like “Choose Happiness” on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, vehicle dashboard, or on your computer. How do you choose happy thoughts?

You can take small happy choices like schedule a 20 minute walk with a friend, make a commitment with your spouse or child to share a joke everyday, schedule 15 minutes to slow down to meditate, pray, or watch the birds, or read a book. What are some of the happy choices you are committed to giving yourself daily or weekly? Please share with the community in the comments section.

Some people find happiness on the Oregon Coast.

What if I Need More Money to Choose Happiness?

We tend to throw happiness down the road. I’ll be happier when: “I get to go on vacation,” “My bills are paid,” “I can buy a house,” etc. We have all had the experience of achieving our goals and not feeling any happier. Happiness isn’t about goals, it is about enjoying the moment you are in. We are lucky to live in a relatively safe community, most of us have food and shelter, and our primary needs are met. We can make choices for ourselves, and it is a power we take for granted. Use that power to choose happiness in the moment you are in. If not now, when? Later is never enough.

Choose Happiness Here and Now

The truth is we have everything we need right here right now. It truly is the simple things in our life that give us the greatest happiness. When you wake up the morning, remember 5 aspects of your life that make you feel grateful or happy. Intend to notice them throughout the day, and before you go to bed review the grateful or happy moments you experienced. Practicing this will help you seize the opportunities, shift your reality lens, and feel better about your life.

Some of the “little” things we tend to take for granted are: your breath and heartbeat; the sun warming your face; you have the freedom to run, walk, talk, laugh, read, write, share, connect, draw, create, sing, moan, cry, explore, join, love, hug, kiss, play, have fun, and feel good. Please share the “little things” that give you joy in the comment section below.

Hypnosis to Help You Choose Happiness

Sometimes we lose track of what it feels like to be happy. In hypnosis, you can connect with your subconscious mind to remember the times you were happy, remember what makes you happy, and feel the joy of happiness. We can rewrite the programs that are keeping you from enjoying your life which opens up more space in your awareness. Then, we practice it until it feels normal, natural, and creates a new habit.

Remember, we all living in a hypnotic state and that is where our habits operate. You can try some of the exercises I proposed for 30 days to rewrite your habits. If you are still having trouble, Book a Session with me. We can work together to quickly make the change you are looking for. If we need to go deeper, consider a package; it’s a great gift to yourself.